True or false?


It’s the opposite of how most people saw me. I have a very small frame and for almost my entire life people have found a lot of humor around my lack (of strength). I imagine they also felt an ego boost believing that they were more physically capable than me.

And so, as you can imagine, I grew up believing that I was weak. It never stopped me from doing things, but it took me a long time to realize that I could change that narrative.

I told myself some classic “I am” beliefs: I am not someone who builds muscle. I am an easy target. I am not strong.

What have you been told about yourself?

What do you still tell yourself?

What else is possible?

‘Truth’ is subjective. How we see, changes what we see. What we believe is our truth. And when we come to believe something else, that becomes our truth. I’ve said it since my very first blog: It matters what you believe.

When I became conscious of the story I told myself, I was able to see something different.

Accepting yourself isn’t about denying reality. There are many people who can perform physical feats I cannot. That’s 100% true. But when curiosity took over (High Vibe Habit #4), I to see another truth. I asked myself: Where has my strength held me back in life?

Maybe I lost a few extra tennis matches in high school and there was that jar of popcorn I couldn’t open, but beyond that, I cannot think of any major setbacks.

What we lack in one area, we make up for in another. I believe my petite frame has made me a very resourceful person and strengthened my mental muscles of creativity and tenacity. I also took upon myself to become physically stronger.

All this is to say that being me has been enough.
 Being you is enough.

I am proud of what my mind and body together have accomplished. The 100 pound IKEA bookshelf I built and moved in my 20’s. The hundreds of pounds of groceries and babies that I have carried between my car and my front door. The Krav Mega classes where I faced off against a 250 lb semi-professional boxer. The yoga positions I can do today that I couldn’t do years ago.

I am strong enough.

Lack is a story. It’s a perception.

I’m guessing that you have shown up in ways that other people (or maybe you yourself) didn’t think you could.

I invite you to pause and investigate any belief you have that doesn’t serve you.

Own your wins. Each and every one of them. What story do they tell? How capable is the you that overcame, accomplished, withstood, forged ahead, or got resourceful?

That version of you is always with you. The more you recognize her in the mirror, the more available she becomes. For some of us the past can help us create a new story. At other times, releasing, not revisiting, our past is necessary to create the future we desire.

Wherever you are, ask yourself: how do I feel right now? Ask yourself: what do I want? And then ask yourself what that version of you (past or future) would do in this moment.

With the High Vibe Habits, you aren’t the problem, you’re the solution. Decide your truth. You are enough.

You’ll see it when you believe it. -Wayne Dyer

Sending all my love and gratitude. Stay high-vibe my friends. xx


Blinded by the fight


Yes, you may