Blinded by the fight

Try again.

These are the words I tell myself after a moment when I feel like I’ve taken a step backwards.

Supporting my children through their hilly emotional landscape is easier some days than others. Those “easy” days are always days I feel good and have the energy to find a supportive perspective (for me and for them). The “tough” days are also easy to identify. They’re the days when my tank is a little emptier than I’d prefer. Neither is a coincidence.

My son and I were having a tough time connecting last week. We were coming off a heated situation as we were unloading groceries when, right on cue, he accidentally slammed his finger in a drawer. As he sat on the floor crying, my mind was quickly running through appropriate responses.

I’ll be honest with you, from this low-vibe place, I wasn’t sure exactly what to do. I could still feel the tension in my body from our verbal exchange moments before. And I wasn’t feeling a whole lot of empathy.

I could’ve asked, are you okay, but that seemed silly considering his reaction. He was definitely in pain. So, instead I asked to look at it and offered him ice.

He recovered from his injury, and we recovered our close connection shortly afterwards. But what came to me later, when I was back to feeling good, was such an obvious answer.

A hug.

Why didn’t I think to offer him the simplest and most powerful thing I could’ve?


I’m shocked and embarrassed as I write to you that this didn’t cross my mind. And as I digest this, I’m also not surprised at all. Low-vibe energy isn’t intended to serve. It’s meant to keep us safe. High Vibe Habits are life altering because they allow the best version of ourselves to show up. The simple quest to always offer ourselves the highest perspective pays off. Every. Single. Time.

I share these really personal stories with you friend, because I want you to know you’re not alone, and I want you to know feeling good is possible, even without perfection. I feel disappointment when I fall short. But I choose not to stay there.

Not even my apology would be as good without being high-vibe.

High-vibe isn’t avoiding every mistake or escaping every bad feeling that comes along. It’s knowing that one poor choice isn’t served by another low feeling. I use my low-vibe experiences as reminders that everyone benefits when I feel good.

I’m passionate about the work I do to help others feel good. To say it’s powerful is a huge understatement. I live the work I teach. I experience the enormously gratifying emotions of living high-vibe and they motivate me to get myself back there when I lose my way.

My invitation this week?

Try again. And again. And again. You are strengthening your High Vibe Habits every time you choose them. Focus on the moment you’re in. And then next one will take care of itself.

There’s a strategy and framework to thriving. It begins with High Vibe Habits.

If this idea feels exciting to you, let’s connect. It’s time to get happy on purpose.


Present + Presence


True or false?