
🕸 It’s all connected.

At first glance, so many things seem at odds:

  • Science and art

  • Strength and grace

  • Beginning and end

They aren’t the same, but with perspective you can see, like a Venn diagram, where they overlap.

Science and spirituality are no different. Very often they’re speaking to the same things even if they are using different words. Rather than pit science against spirituality, I love to find their overlap.

Currently, I’m reading Talent Is Overrated and Manifest Your Destiny - on the surface, two very different books, and I find myself smiling as I notice the parallels between them.

Both books essentially speak to:

✨ our potential (aka possibility) and how we can tap into it

🌈 letting go of the notion that potential is preset or predefined for us

💪🏽 the idea of agency

Your ability to create change is directly related to your capacity to see it. It’s exciting to see both of these works reaffirm my own framework. My High Vibe Habits train your mind to practice seeing possibility and help you identify yourself as the solution.

Happy and healthy people aren’t that way by accident. Even if they have been bestowed with “good” genetics, it takes effort and prioritization - practice, essentially - to create things in life. Sometimes you build the scaffolding for what you want without realizing it. The good news is that anything you want to experience more of is also something you can do _on purpose_.

When you remove the hurdles, the path ahead is easier. Much of the work I do with my clients revolves around finding what they want by releasing before they even begin to add things in. The work is in releasing, transforming, surrendering more than doing.

This week, I invite you to really look around and within. Where are you limiting yourself? Where are you keeping yourself stuck?

Start telling yourself the story you want to be telling, instead of the one you want to overcome.

  • pick a task/goal

  • create a plan to accomplish it

This means setting yourself up for real success.

👣 Estimate the time to completion

👣 Block off your calendar

👣 Have specific action steps

If it’s a big project or goal, set incremental targets. Consistency is key to building trust in a new story (the I can and I will version) and choose the smallest step you can make every time and work your way up.

Life is connected. 🕸 Creating change in any area of life reaffirms your inevitable success in others.

When you feel stuck, remember this: You’re not the problem. You are the solution.


Can’t win ‘em all


Monsters under my bed