Dear Santa…
Dear Santa,
I would like (to):
1. Stop being so affected by other people.
2. Stop letting a to-do list mess with my sleep.
3. Sit down at the dinner table and hear my kids' voices instead of the voice in my head rehashing my day and stressing about the next one.
Years ago, these were on my wishlist. Those days were a vicious cycle of beating myself up over all my choices, feelings, and desires. I felt like I had it “all” and my lack of fulfillment meant there was something wrong with me. There was imposter syndrome, exhaustion, indecision, and so much conflict (internal and external).
Then I started to ask why....
Did you know you have 70,000 thoughts per day...80% of those negative...95% of those repetitive?
Here’s the bottom line. We all are UNDERperforming because we are OVERthinking.
I’m not saying you’re not successful. I’m saying that life can be about squeezing more IN, but it’s always about squeezing more OUT of life. You’re showing up; you’re putting in the work. You should also be receiving from your life.
Performance, the way I define it, is about how we show up in the world. When we overthink, we are squandering our mental energy. But just because you don’t have the bandwidth to make decisions, doesn’t mean you don’t have to. Decision fatigue kicks in, basically ensuring you make poor choices. It could be eating something unhealthy, snapping at your kids, or being less effective at work. And those less than ideal choices usually set us on a downward spiral because we want to make better choices: eat healthy, feel connected to our kids, and play our A-game at work. The next domino is regret, guilt, or punitive thoughts. But it doesn't have to be that way.
I know you’ve been following along from a distance as I’ve led you through Constructive Living and my 5 C’s, now it’s time to really do this together.
My Constructive Living incubator is a group coaching opportunity where I'll share the framework I've developed to build yourself up. Stop letting other people change your emotions. Eliminate your stress and feelings of imposter syndrome. Rid yourself of internal conflict.
I'm promise I’m not asking you to do more work. I'm just asking you to do things differently. I love efficiency, so this all about investing where it counts and leveraging small actions. Your brain might be running on auto-pilot but it’s possible to retrain it. And it’s easier than you think.
It's the holiday season - extend the spirit of generosity to yourself. If you're even the slightest bit curious (and DON'T overthink this!!), hop over and get some more details. This is the gift that keeps on giving. The incubator is open to 10 people with an amazing deal until November 22nd.
What’s on your wishlist?
Make decisions with ease? Let go of stress? Feel present for family? Be kind to yourself? Feel confident at work? Maintain boundaries?
Dream big. I’m here to get you there. Success is inevitable with the right team.
(And if you’re wondering…I’m hoping Santa will leave me a killer pair of boots this year!)