What standing on one foot can tell you

I’m guessing you can stand on one foot.

But what if I asked you to stand on one foot:

On an incline?

On a decline?

With one leg stretched out behind you?

With your eyes closed?

Okay, I’ll stop. You might be understanding what I’m hinting at.

Balance, in this case, is the act of distributing your weight evenly so your center of gravity isn’t thrown off. 

For each of the above scenarios, you’d need to adjust. To do something a little differently. But all of those would still result in the “same” end product of balance.

There’s actually nothing constant about balance. What you need to do to maintain it changes - constantly.

Throwing a bag over your shoulder. Getting dressed. Carrying a child. Reaching for something. If you weren’t adjusting to the imbalance, any of these tasks could make you fall over. All of these tasks require you to adjust.

Which is why your desire to create “balance” in life is more about learning how to be responsive than it is knowing how to follow a list of wellness tasks.

What can throw off your mental balance? Family in town, hosting a party, extra work duties, poor sleep, stress…. You and I will be affected by different things, but life has a way of finding something to throw each and everyone of us off kilter.

I’ve felt this longing and I’ve supported clients through this tricky landscape. It’s understandable why you might want someone to tell you what you need to do. Work less, workout more. Journal more, juggle less.

Experiencing more balance means:

💃🏻 Knowing how you feel: At any given moment, you’ll need to know where your energy reserves are so you know what you’re capable of saying yes to without over giving

💃🏻 Value that reading: All too often you know you have an unmet need but you prioritize someone or something else over yourself. As a long-term strategy this leads to burnout, resentment, and illness.

💃🏻 Know how to refuel: If your energy stores are depleted, prioritize the pause to evaluate when you can refuel and what you can do about it.

Consistently checking-in and keeping yourself well resourced (aka feeling good) is how you’ll spend the least amount of time in down states.

👣 Balance is a responsive skill. It’s not an end product, it’s a fluid state.

Experiencing more “balance” in life is as simple as learning to adjust to the imbalances. Balance favors the prepared. And the prepared know how to stay well resourced. 😉

Sending love and gratitude. xx


Tis the season


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