Theme park lifestyle

🎢 There you are - on top of the world!

And then it happens: a nasty comment, a judgmental remark, a thoughtless passing phrase. Someone dumps their low-vibe energy on you and moves on. And now you’re on that downward rollercoaster slope. But instead of a feeling exhilarated, this rollercoaster ride leaves you deflated.

I’m guessing you’ve been on the same ride - the emotional rollercoaster.

For most of us, it takes a split second for someone else’s bad day, off-handed comment, judgement, or stress outburst to quickly reroute our energy in a downward direction. A big part of my journey to create the High Vibe Habits was so I could stop that emotional hijacking feeling. It’s awful. And it’s exhausting. 😣

Here’s how you can take a pass going forward.

Reclaim your internal sense of control (which is the only kind of control) by learning how to pause and create perspective. You will have an initial reaction to anything, but by pausing you can ask yourself, “what’s another way I can look at this?”

Feeling good is often as simple as finding another way to see the situation you’re in. (I know, simple is not always easy.)

If you’re ready to arm yourself with a fresh perspective, I invite you to try this out. The next time someone else offloads their emotions onto you or decides to tell you what they think about you or a decision you make, remember this.

People share, pass down, pass on, and dump their low-vibe energy on you because they don’t know another way. It’s their habit. It doesn’t make it okay. And it doesn’t mean they can’t evolve.

But it does mean that you have the choice to turn those words into your pain or to let them be a window into seeing someone else’s.

I know this doesn’t instantly take the sting out of a hurtful interaction, but with practice it’s amazing how it can transform your relationships. There’s another benefit too. When you’re not reacting from a place of hurt, you have the opportunity to communicate more effectively, improving the quality of your relationships.

The point isn’t to stop experiencing highs and lows. Sometimes feeling your low is an act of self-love, self-compassion. The point is to understand that feeling high-vibe or low-vibe gets to be your choice.


Two rights and a do-over


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