Perks of the unexpected


📆 As you can imagine, I spent an extraordinary amount of time preparing to be abroad for 288 Days.

🌏 I needed to educate myself on the crazy amount of things I didn’t know about southeast Asia. We are slated to be in nine countries over a 288 day span. And the trip was to unfold as we went along. So this past summer, I spent weeks preparing for Japan alone because it was our first destination (and the only one I knew exactly where we’d be).

I felt very prepared. I’d mapped things out, scrutinized safety and health issues, studied some language skills, and researched customs. Somewhere along the way we found out our next stop was Seoul. (If you’re curious for visuals follow me at @nithyakaria on Instagram or Facebook.) I secured lodging there but quickly found myself distracted and occupied with our Japan travels.

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We ended flying into Seoul with basically zero planning - a 180 from what I’d done for Japan. We hit a few hiccups along the way and had to spend a little time adjusting after arrival to find our stride, but we did it. Quickly!

This had my planner-brain spinning. You can’t just fly to South Korea knowing zilch and end up fine. Or can you?!

👋🏼 We depart our five-week stay here in Seoul having had another awesome adventure. Planning ahead has its perks, for sure! But I’m awakening to the idea that it’s not the only way and, in fact, leaving room for the unexpected has its own perks.

I’m feeling really excited and empowered to 🚶🏽‍♀️walk this line between having things figured out and 🧘🏼‍♀️ trusting that it will all work out. What a great reminder that you don’t have to wait for perfect or a detailed itinerary before you explore or give things a go.

I used to wonder, ‘who takes those last minute “get away” deals to book a vacation days before departure?!?’ I’m starting to get it. Living without knowing all the details means you trust yourself, the Universe, and in the kindness of strangers. It’s a pretty awesome thing to experience.

I have said ‘yes’ to say many things that would be a ‘no’ back home. Getting out of my comfort zone and walking a new path is expansive. It’s reminded me of what’s precious (my family, laughing, happiness, health) and of what doesn’t really matter (about everything else).

It’s showed me that some things are worth being tired over and that some days it’s worth postponing adventure for rest.

Join me in just letting go a little (or a lot) and see what magic unfolds before you.


The trouble with resilience


Waiting for perfect