None of my business

I don’t think she likes me.

I’ve had this thought on more than one occasion. This past time, after some grumbling, a new question popped into my head.

Does it matter?

I realized that whether this woman liked me or not doesn’t alter how I would treat her. It changes very little (other than making our conversations more enjoyable maybe).

Because I feel good when I behave in a way that I’m proud, when I am who I want to be.

Next time you wonder whether someone likes you, loves you, is proud of you, appreciates you, or makes you question yourself, I invite you to ask yourself this question:

What does this really change? 

I’ll be the first to admit that it feels good to have other people like me, respect me, want me around, and enjoy my company. But I also know that it’s not my goal to have my actions and thoughts driven by someone else. Who I want to be is mine alone to decide.

Simple is not always easy. So, here are two things that you can keep in your tool belt to help you stay in your high-vibe zone.

🪞 Know who you are. You get to be the first person to give yourself the acceptance, love, and permission you seek.

🪜 Know what kind of person you strive to be. You and I are human. Making mistakes doesn’t make you bad. It means you know where you can keep growing. Know what areas you are actively working on so if someone questions them, you know where you stand. If you’re doing the work, it doesn’t matter if someone else acknowledges that effort. You can be proud of yourself.

Leaving you with a fave quote a friend of mine just resent me: “What other people think of me is none of my business.” — Wayne Dyer


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