The power of habits
What can I do for you today?
This is the question I’ve begun asking myself in the morning. Before you think I’m off my rocker, hear me out.
I’ve come to a new place in my meditation journey. It’s a wild experience as other people (like total strangers at a street fair) have been commenting on my new energetic vibe. While they didn’t know my “before” picture, I certainly did and no one was previously commenting on my ‘glow’. People have blessed me with many kind words over the years, but these are a new breed of compliments.
My energetic upgrade definitely has me feeling amazing, but I’m seeing things differently as well. My new meditation regimen is steeped in quantum physics and all that exists beyond human perception. And it’s helping all these puzzle pieces fall into place.
Believing in myself and in my path.
Loving unconditionally.
Practicing forgiveness.
Feeling more confident.
Anticipation without expectation.
And patience, so much patience.
Waking up at 5 am with excitement wasn’t always my norm. But years ago, I began creating a new habit. Instead of allowing the first thought in my head to be some version of I’m tired, I began with gratitude. For my bed, my family safely tucked into their beds, the sunshine. I’ve since added another habit, a 45-minute long guided meditation. I’m totally addicted.
I used to wake up early and get straight to work. It felt good to get so much done so early. But, now? This new routine has me supercharged.
And that brings me back to why I’ve started asking myself, “What can I do for you today?” This new connection to my being has me inspired. I feel compelled to experience the life I want. To contribute and do something uniquely amazing…
Amazing is raising two healthy and happy kids. Amazing is becoming a best-selling author. Amazing is snuggling up on the couch every night with a good book and my (rapidly growing) littles. Amazing is cooking delicious meals in my kitchen and feeding the bodies and souls of those I love dearly. Amazing is a quiet walk alone to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Big or small, amazing gets to be anything and everything I can do to help my soul feel alive.
I used to think the people who were happy, healthy, and vibrant were that way because their life was easier than mine. The truth is people are happy, healthy, and joyful because they’re committed to these values.
Life is a habit.
Try waking up to something that lets you feel connected and grateful. Tomorrow morning when you look at yourself in the mirror, smile. Get excited. Ask yourself, what can I do for you today? What are we (as in you and the Universe) going to accomplish today? And see what happens…