(A fitting subject for my first blog post.)
We have all used them for almost our entire lives, but how often do you recognize their power?
They can lift us, crush us, entertain us, heal us. They come at us from everywhere. They influence us, scare us, make us laugh, inform us. We use them so casually, but what would happen if we were more conscious of our words? They inspire us, comfort us, bolster us, fight for us. Words birth ideas and beliefs. Words are powerful. They define us, confine us and set us free.
I am doing my best to be really aware of the words I use, read and hear. I have fallen in love with poetry all over again. I have begun to relearn the complexity of the English language (I'm homeschooling my littles this year). I have begun to pause before I speak, so that I may choose my words wisely. And, most importantly, I am listening to voice inside me. I have found this practice to be really powerful. Once again, I have parenthood to thank for setting me on this path.
On the flip side of witnessing the power of words, I am also practicing the art of listening. Silence may be just as powerful as the noise.
"We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." Epictetus